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RN 1, Moroni, Moroni, KM Comoros
Kontakter telefon: +269 773 13 12
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: -11.6826749, Longitude: 43.2623833
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Kommentar 5

  • Ailani Etajnam

    Ailani Etajnam


    Se genial la city. I never thought to be in a iland like that. Its Peace and there is wonderfull people. Merci God

  • Badrane Nasser

    Badrane Nasser


    The management is well organised. The hotel is few minutes away from the city. One of the best beach of the island is just 5min away by car. The hotel is clean and tidy because the hotel management likes to make sure that the well being of their customers come first. My suggestion goes to that hotel when it comes to visit The capital city of Comoros.

  • Isaac Djawad

    Isaac Djawad


    An amazing get away hotel in town. You are in the middle of everything, supermarket, the national market, 5 minutes work to Itsandra beach and the famous Sim Sim restaurant. And 15 to 20 minutes away from the airport. With AC, amazing room in wood.

  • Hicham mohamed

    Hicham mohamed


    The hotel is well located with a very pleasant service. The environment makes you want to stay more than needed. Most of all I like the simplicity. Definitely a place to go. #269

  • Nisma Halidi

    Nisma Halidi


    Great location, in the middle of the city of Moroni. A Very discret place to be and relaxing. 5 min driving from the big beach of Itsandra. They’ve got facilities such as, renting a car in the spot. Very prompt service. Love it ;)

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